Celebrate Progress

Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before.
— Bonnie Blair, speed skater

I really like this. Especially after my skating lesson today. Sometimes I forget how far I’ve come or the good work I put in to create a moment in my program… that’s why I (we) need a great coach to remind us. Usually when I become comfortable with a skill, it’s like, “Okay, great. I want more. More skills. More, more, more…”

And I (we) forget to savor what we’ve actually DONE. This relates to everything in life. Here comes the EFT part… ;)

EFT can help you to become clearer - to see and hear and accept how far we have come. When my skating coach brought to my attention how my skating practice had affected this moment I was a bit stunned that I really hadn’t admired my work. It was an interesting emotion. There were a couple of those on the ice today.

Without my own work with EFT and other modalities I may have blew off what he said. Many people would. Why? Many of us are raised to achieve and achieve often. It’s expected. What? Celebrate progress? Pish posh! Do more!

Relate? Anyone?

Be kind to yourself.




Struggle to Strength